Wednesday, July 21

Nobody likes me.

I'm having a down in the dumps day today and my blog gets very little traffic. Anyone have any ideas for how I can gain more interest from the general public? I even published my July freebie and nobody seems to want it. Suggestions please! Don't worry about hurting my feelings - I can take it. :)


  1. It helps to find other blogs to link with. On Fridays, Home Sanctuary does a link up ( Also, check out joining BlogFrog ( and SITS ( Also, a time-consuming, but very rewarding way is to visit other blogs and leave comments. Most bloggers go back to visit the people who first visited them. Hope that helps!

  2. I was going to suggest linking too!

    Some blogs have link days/link parties

    I <3 your blog!

  3. Awww don't be down about it. I haven't had time to read blogs for a month, I'm just now catching up with my favs. That includes you!
